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Date Stage Office District Candidates
2022Nov 8 General Election United States Senator State of Illinois
Kathy Salvi ran (53%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
51,858 52.8%
44,273 45.1%
1,883 1.9%
136 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 98,150  
Undervotes 563  
Overvotes 45  
Total Ballots Cast 98,758  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Tammy Duckworth ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,224 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,224  
Undervotes 460  
Total Ballots Cast 12,684  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Peggy Hubbard ran (39%) against 6 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
8,288 39.3%
4,344 20.6%
2,376 11.3%
1,949 9.2%
1,734 8.2%
1,306 6.2%
1,115 5.3%
Total Votes Cast 21,112  
Undervotes 2,770  
Overvotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 23,905  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 13
Nikki Budzinski ran (51%) against Regan Deering. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
30,919 50.7%
29,990 49.2%
65 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 60,974  
Undervotes 579  
Overvotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 61,569  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary United States Representative Congressional District 13
Nikki Budzinski ran (79%) against David Palmer. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
6,960 79.1%
1,843 20.9%
Total Votes Cast 8,803  
Undervotes 611  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 9,420  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary United States Representative Congressional District 13
Jesse Reising ran (33%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,841 32.5%
3,635 30.8%
3,329 28.2%
1,014 8.6%
Total Votes Cast 11,819  
Undervotes 1,500  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 13,325  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 15
Mary Miller ran (66%) against Paul J. Lange. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
24,173 65.9%
12,537 34.2%
Total Votes Cast 36,710  
Undervotes 475  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 37,189  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary United States Representative Congressional District 15
Paul J. Lange ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,927 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,927  
Undervotes 337  
Total Ballots Cast 3,264  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary United States Representative Congressional District 15
Mary Miller ran (61%) against Rodney Davis. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
6,245 60.9%
4,017 39.1%
Total Votes Cast 10,262  
Undervotes 312  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 10,580  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Governor State of Illinois
JB Pritzker ran (86%) against Beverly Miles. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,652 86.4%
1,650 13.4%
30 0.2%
Total Votes Cast 12,332  
Undervotes 257  
Overvotes 83  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Governor State of Illinois
Darren Bailey ran (64%) against 5 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
14,940 64.1%
3,269 14.0%
3,059 13.1%
1,177 5.1%
652 2.8%
208 0.9%
19 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 23,324  
Undervotes 555  
Overvotes 24  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Secretary of State State of Illinois
Anna M. Valencia ran (46%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,447 45.7%
4,734 39.7%
1,090 9.1%
654 5.5%
Total Votes Cast 11,925  
Undervotes 735  
Overvotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Secretary of State State of Illinois
Dan Brady ran (68%) against John C. Milhiser. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13,857 67.9%
6,555 32.1%
Total Votes Cast 20,412  
Undervotes 3,485  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Attorney General State of Illinois
Kwame Raoul ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,101 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,101  
Undervotes 1,571  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Attorney General State of Illinois
Thomas G. DeVore ran (49%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,336 48.9%
6,250 29.5%
4,570 21.6%
Total Votes Cast 21,156  
Undervotes 2,744  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Treasurer State of Illinois
Tom Demmer ran (56%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
54,988 56.5%
39,705 40.8%
2,629 2.7%
37 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 97,359  
Undervotes 1,363  
Overvotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 98,737  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Treasurer State of Illinois
Michael W. Frerichs ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,677 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,677  
Undervotes 995  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Treasurer State of Illinois
Tom Demmer ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
17,644 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 17,644  
Undervotes 6,259  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Comptroller State of Illinois
Susana A. Mendoza ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,657 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,657  
Undervotes 1,015  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Comptroller State of Illinois
Shannon L. Teresi ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
17,502 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 17,502  
Undervotes 6,401  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election State Senator District 50
Jil Tracy won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
9,262 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,262  
Undervotes 2,418  
Total Ballots Cast 11,680  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Senator District 50
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary State Senator District 50
Jil Tracy won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,673 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,673  
Undervotes 569  
Total Ballots Cast 3,242  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election State Senator District 55
Jason Plummer won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
19,759 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 19,759  
Undervotes 4,479  
Total Ballots Cast 24,238  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Senator District 55
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary State Senator District 55
Jason Plummer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
6,386 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 6,386  
Undervotes 773  
Total Ballots Cast 7,159  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election State Senator District 56
Erica Conway Harriss won (52%) against Kris Tharp. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
31,616 52.0%
29,202 48.0%
Total Votes Cast 60,818  
Undervotes 711  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 61,538  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Senator District 56
Rachelle Aud Crowe won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
8,163 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 8,163  
Undervotes 663  
Total Ballots Cast 8,826  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary State Senator District 56
Erica Conway Harriss won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,137 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,137  
Undervotes 2,320  
Total Ballots Cast 13,457  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election State Senator District 57
Christopher Belt won (91%) against Wavey T. Lester II. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,139 91.0%
106 8.5%
7 0.6%
Total Votes Cast 1,252  
Undervotes 29  
Total Ballots Cast 1,281  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Senator District 57
Christopher Belt won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
749 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 749  
Undervotes 99  
Total Ballots Cast 848  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary State Senator District 57
Wavey T. Lester II won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
38 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 38  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 45  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 100
Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer ran (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
9,186 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,186  
Undervotes 2,494  
Total Ballots Cast 11,680  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 100
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 100
Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,689 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,689  
Undervotes 553  
Total Ballots Cast 3,242  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 109
Charles Meier won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
19,811 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 19,811  
Undervotes 4,427  
Total Ballots Cast 24,238  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 109
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 109
Charles Meier won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
6,207 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 6,207  
Undervotes 952  
Total Ballots Cast 7,159  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Amy Elik won (56%) against Joe Silkwood. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
19,933 56.5%
15,366 43.5%
Total Votes Cast 35,299  
Undervotes 413  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 35,713  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Joe Silkwood won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,546 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,546  
Undervotes 431  
Total Ballots Cast 4,977  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Amy Elik won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
7,241 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 7,241  
Undervotes 1,108  
Total Ballots Cast 8,349  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 112
Katie Stuart won (54%) against Jennifer M. Korte. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13,775 53.8%
11,813 46.2%
Total Votes Cast 25,588  
Undervotes 233  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 25,825  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 112
Katie Stuart won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,681 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,681  
Undervotes 168  
Total Ballots Cast 3,849  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 112
Jennifer M. Korte ran (68%) against Joe Hackler. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,305 67.8%
1,572 32.2%
Total Votes Cast 4,877  
Undervotes 231  
Total Ballots Cast 5,108  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 113
Jay Hoffman won (91%) against Ashley Hunsaker. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,143 91.0%
113 9.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,256  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 1,281  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 113
Jay Hoffman won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
737 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 737  
Undervotes 111  
Total Ballots Cast 848  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 113
Ashley Hunsaker won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
38 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 38  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 45  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 1
Fred N. Michael won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,484 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,484  
Undervotes 618  
Total Ballots Cast 4,102  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 1
Fred N. Michael won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,144 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,144  
Undervotes 185  
Total Ballots Cast 1,329  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 2
Stacey Pace won (65%) against Charles (Cj) Metheny. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,764 65.2%
1,473 34.8%
Total Votes Cast 4,237  
Undervotes 61  
Total Ballots Cast 4,298  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 2
Charles (Cj) Metheny won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
270 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 270  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 295  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 2
Stacey Pace won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
854 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 854  
Undervotes 187  
Total Ballots Cast 1,041  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 3
William S. Meyer won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,763 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,763  
Undervotes 732  
Total Ballots Cast 4,495  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 3
William S. Meyer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,248 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,248  
Undervotes 233  
Total Ballots Cast 1,481  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 4
Bobby Ross won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,149 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,149  
Undervotes 796  
Total Ballots Cast 4,945  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 4
Bobby Ross won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,273 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,273  
Undervotes 301  
Total Ballots Cast 1,574  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 5
Mick Madison won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,745 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,745  
Undervotes 975  
Total Ballots Cast 4,720  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 5
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 5
Mick Madison won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,033 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,033  
Undervotes 241  
Total Ballots Cast 1,274  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 6
Valerie Doucleff won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,388 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,388  
Undervotes 1,051  
Total Ballots Cast 4,439  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 6
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 6
Valerie Doucleff won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
953 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 953  
Undervotes 209  
Total Ballots Cast 1,162  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 7
Michael Turner won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,509 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,509  
Undervotes 1,008  
Total Ballots Cast 4,517  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 7
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 7
Michael Turner won (68%) against Ray Wesley. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
762 68.0%
358 32.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,120  
Undervotes 162  
Total Ballots Cast 1,282  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 8
Michael Holliday, Sr. won (63%) against Michael J. Velloff. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,852 62.9%
1,091 37.1%
Total Votes Cast 2,943  
Undervotes 40  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 2,985  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 8
Michael Holliday, Sr. won (68%) against Abe L. Barham. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
448 68.2%
209 31.8%
Total Votes Cast 657  
Undervotes 43  
Total Ballots Cast 700  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 8
Michael J. Velloff won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
328 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 328  
Undervotes 57  
Total Ballots Cast 385  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 9
Bill R. Stoutenborough won (50%) against Bruce C. Egelhoff. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,357 50.3%
1,340 49.7%
Total Votes Cast 2,697  
Undervotes 54  
Total Ballots Cast 2,751  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 9
Bill R. Stoutenborough won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
406 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 406  
Undervotes 56  
Total Ballots Cast 462  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 9
Bruce C. Egelhoff won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
426 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 426  
Undervotes 76  
Total Ballots Cast 502  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 10
Shawndell K. Williams won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,068 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,068  
Undervotes 428  
Total Ballots Cast 2,496  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 10
Shawndell K. Williams won (58%) against Gussie Glasper. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
617 57.9%
449 42.1%
Total Votes Cast 1,066  
Undervotes 33  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 1,101  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 11
Dalton Gray won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,410 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,410  
Undervotes 961  
Total Ballots Cast 4,371  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 11
Dalton Gray won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
907 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 907  
Undervotes 222  
Total Ballots Cast 1,129  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 12
Robert A. Pollard won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,755 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,755  
Undervotes 692  
Total Ballots Cast 2,447  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 12
Robert A. Pollard won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
292 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 292  
Undervotes 43  
Total Ballots Cast 335  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 12
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 13
Matthew King won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,314 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,314  
Undervotes 917  
Total Ballots Cast 3,231  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 13
Matthew King won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
386 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 386  
Undervotes 39  
Total Ballots Cast 425  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 14
Mike Babcock won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,466 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,466  
Undervotes 877  
Total Ballots Cast 4,343  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 14
Mike Babcock won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
929 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 929  
Undervotes 150  
Total Ballots Cast 1,079  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 15
Terry D. Eaker won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,566 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,566  
Undervotes 579  
Total Ballots Cast 3,145  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 15
Terry D. Eaker won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
622 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 622  
Undervotes 142  
Total Ballots Cast 764  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 16
Robert T. Meyer won (51%) against Chris Hankins. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,590 51.0%
1,528 49.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,118  
Undervotes 54  
Total Ballots Cast 3,172  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 16
Chris Hankins won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
364 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 364  
Undervotes 49  
Total Ballots Cast 413  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 16
Robert T. Meyer won (53%) against Kristene Rosser Schmitt. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
320 53.3%
280 46.7%
Total Votes Cast 600  
Undervotes 101  
Total Ballots Cast 701  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 17
Victor A. Valentine, Jr. won (57%) against Shaun A. Arnold. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,356 56.6%
1,041 43.4%
Total Votes Cast 2,397  
Undervotes 66  
Total Ballots Cast 2,463  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 17
Victor A. Valentine, Jr. won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
371 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 371  
Undervotes 43  
Total Ballots Cast 414  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 17
Shaun A. Arnold won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
291 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 291  
Undervotes 81  
Total Ballots Cast 372  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 18
Alison Lamothe won (64%) against Eric Crony. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,802 63.6%
1,605 36.4%
Total Votes Cast 4,407  
Undervotes 103  
Total Ballots Cast 4,510  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 18
Alison Lamothe won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
815 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 815  
Undervotes 95  
Total Ballots Cast 910  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 18
Eric Crony won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
558 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 558  
Undervotes 170  
Total Ballots Cast 728  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 19
Nick Petrillo won (54%) against Donald Sawicki. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,677 54.1%
1,423 45.9%
Total Votes Cast 3,100  
Undervotes 40  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 3,142  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 19
Nick Petrillo won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
478 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 478  
Undervotes 59  
Total Ballots Cast 537  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 19
Donald Sawicki won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
606 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 606  
Undervotes 185  
Total Ballots Cast 791  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 20
Denise Wiehardt won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,717 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,717  
Undervotes 670  
Total Ballots Cast 3,387  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 20
Denise Wiehardt won (53%) against Elaine Beckland. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
462 53.4%
403 46.6%
Total Votes Cast 865  
Undervotes 81  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 947  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 21
John J. Janek won (60%) against Emily Gavilsky. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,100 60.1%
1,394 39.9%
Total Votes Cast 3,494  
Undervotes 32  
Total Ballots Cast 3,526  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 21
John J. Janek won (53%) against John "Eric" Foster. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
535 53.0%
474 47.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,009  
Undervotes 65  
Total Ballots Cast 1,074  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 22
Ryan Kneedler won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,930 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,930  
Undervotes 897  
Total Ballots Cast 3,827  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 22
Ryan Kneedler won (62%) against Mark D. Mauer. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
519 62.3%
314 37.7%
Total Votes Cast 833  
Undervotes 96  
Total Ballots Cast 929  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 23
W. Paul Nicolussi won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,873 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,873  
Undervotes 884  
Total Ballots Cast 3,757  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 23
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 23
W. Paul Nicolussi won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
685 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 685  
Undervotes 129  
Total Ballots Cast 814  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 24
Charles "Skip" Schmidt won (53%) against Erika Kohoutek. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,393 52.6%
2,159 47.4%
Total Votes Cast 4,552  
Undervotes 92  
Total Ballots Cast 4,644  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 24
Charles "Skip" Schmidt won (51%) against James (Jamie) Goggin. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
458 50.8%
443 49.2%
Total Votes Cast 901  
Undervotes 115  
Total Ballots Cast 1,016  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 25
Chris Guy won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,720 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,720  
Undervotes 1,095  
Total Ballots Cast 4,815  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 25
Chris Guy won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
972 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 972  
Undervotes 190  
Total Ballots Cast 1,162  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Board Member District 26
Jason Palmero won (51%) against Collin VanMeter. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,093 51.1%
2,004 48.9%
Total Votes Cast 4,097  
Undervotes 112  
Total Ballots Cast 4,209  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 26
Collin VanMeter won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
565 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 565  
Undervotes 59  
Total Ballots Cast 624  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Board Member District 26
Jason Palmero won (56%) against Douglas A. Matthews. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
375 55.6%
300 44.4%
Total Votes Cast 675  
Undervotes 145  
Total Ballots Cast 820  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election County Clerk and Recorder Madison County
Linda Andreas won (51%) against Debbie Ming-Mendoza. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
49,836 51.2%
47,494 48.8%
Total Votes Cast 97,330  
Undervotes 1,393  
Overvotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 98,737  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Clerk and Recorder Madison County
Debbie Ming-Mendoza won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,915 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,915  
Undervotes 757  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary County Clerk and Recorder Madison County
Linda Andreas won (50%) against Mike Walters. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,378 50.4%
10,196 49.6%
Total Votes Cast 20,574  
Undervotes 3,325  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Sheriff City Madison
Jeff Connor won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73,440 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 73,440  
Undervotes 25,297  
Total Ballots Cast 98,758  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Sheriff City Madison
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Sheriff City Madison
Jeff Connor won (67%) against Jeff Larner. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
14,681 66.9%
7,274 33.1%
Total Votes Cast 21,955  
Undervotes 1,944  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election City Treasurer City Madison
Chris Slusser won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
74,365 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 74,365  
Undervotes 24,372  
Total Ballots Cast 98,758  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary City Treasurer City Madison
Chris Slusser won (68%) against Doug Hulme. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
14,856 68.0%
6,986 32.0%
Total Votes Cast 21,842  
Undervotes 2,060  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Circuit Court JudgeDugan Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Christopher P. Threlkeld won (51%) against John Barry Julian. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13,511 50.6%
13,175 49.4%
Total Votes Cast 26,686  
Undervotes 593  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 27,285  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Circuit Court JudgeMudge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Tim Berkley won (52%) against A. Ryan Jumper. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13,820 51.9%
12,813 48.1%
Total Votes Cast 26,633  
Undervotes 648  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 27,285  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Circuit Court JudgeTogn. Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Amy E. Sholar won (56%) against Ebony R. Huddleston. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
15,081 56.3%
11,687 43.7%
Total Votes Cast 26,768  
Undervotes 512  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 27,285  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
A. Ryan Jumper won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,024 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,024  
Undervotes 925  
Total Ballots Cast 4,949  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Amy E. Sholar won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,863 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,863  
Undervotes 1,117  
Total Ballots Cast 5,980  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Christopher P. Threlkeld won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,588 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,588  
Undervotes 1,392  
Total Ballots Cast 5,980  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3, Subcircuit 1
Tim Berkley won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,564 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,564  
Undervotes 1,416  
Total Ballots Cast 5,980  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Regional Superintendent of Schools Calhoun-Greene-Jersey-Macoupin Education Service Region
Michelle Mueller won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
601 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 601  
Undervotes 360  
Total Ballots Cast 961  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Regional Superintendent of Schools Calhoun-Greene-Jersey-Macoupin Education Service Region
Michelle Mueller won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
93 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 93  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 107  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Regional Superintendent of Schools Calhoun-Greene-Jersey-Macoupin Education Service Region
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Nov 8 General Election Regional Superintendent of Schools Madison Education Service Region
Robert W. Werden won (100%) against No Candidate Filed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
74,632 100.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 74,632  
Undervotes 23,144  
Total Ballots Cast 97,776  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Regional Superintendent of Schools Madison Education Service Region
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Regional Superintendent of Schools Madison Education Service Region
Robert W. Werden won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
18,921 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 18,921  
Undervotes 4,672  
Total Ballots Cast 23,593  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Mike McHaney won (58%) against Brian Roberts. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
55,856 58.1%
40,291 41.9%
Total Votes Cast 96,147  
Undervotes 2,584  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 98,758  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Brian Roberts won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,800 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 10,800  
Undervotes 1,872  
Total Ballots Cast 12,672  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Mike McHaney won (56%) against Barry L. Vaughan. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,883 55.7%
8,642 44.3%
Total Votes Cast 19,525  
Undervotes 4,376  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Republican Primary Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Mike McHaney won (56%) against Barry L. Vaughan. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
10,883 55.7%
8,642 44.3%
Total Votes Cast 19,525  
Undervotes 4,376  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 23,903  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary County Treasurer Madison County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2022Nov 8 General Election Sanitary District Trustee Sanitary District Holiday Shores
Richard D. Hayes won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,404 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,404  
Undervotes 166  
Total Ballots Cast 1,570  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Nov 8 General Election Sanitary District Trustee Sanitary District Rosewood Heights
Steve Brazier and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
941 38.8%
793 32.7%
694 28.6%
Total Votes Cast 2,428  
Undervotes 2,189  
Total Ballots Cast 2,837  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Central Committeeman Congressional District 13
Bill Houlihan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
8,136 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 8,136  
Undervotes 1,283  
Total Ballots Cast 9,419  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Central Committeeman Congressional District 15
Terry C. Redman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,886 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,886  
Undervotes 367  
Total Ballots Cast 3,253  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Central Committeewoman Congressional District 13
LaToya N. Greenwood won (62%) against Pam Monetti. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,328 62.1%
3,251 37.9%
Total Votes Cast 8,579  
Undervotes 834  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 9,419  
See Details for this Contest »
2022Jun 28 Democratic Primary State Central Committeewoman Congressional District 15
Katherine F.S. Daniels won (54%) against Liz Brown-Reeves. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,573 54.3%
1,324 45.7%
Total Votes Cast 2,897  
Undervotes 355  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,253  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Alton
Cameo C. Holland won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,994 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,994  
Undervotes 934  
Total Ballots Cast 3,928  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Edwardsville
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Granite
Shari Grim won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,934 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,934  
Undervotes 585  
Total Ballots Cast 3,519  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Highland
Neill Nicolaides won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
503 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 503  
Undervotes 82  
Total Ballots Cast 585  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Troy
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Treasurer City Venice
Roseann Koelker won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
318 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 318  
Undervotes 156  
Total Ballots Cast 474  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Alton
David Goins won (56%) against Brant T. Walker. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,173 55.5%
1,740 44.5%
Total Votes Cast 3,913  
Undervotes 14  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,928  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Edwardsville
Art Risavy won (69%) against Stephanie Malench. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,009 68.8%
912 31.2%
Total Votes Cast 2,921  
Undervotes 77  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 2,999  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Granite
Michael Charles Parkinson won (86%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,971 85.8%
278 8.0%
213 6.2%
Total Votes Cast 3,462  
Undervotes 56  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,519  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Highland
Kevin B. Hemann won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
534 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 534  
Undervotes 51  
Total Ballots Cast 585  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Madison
John W. Hamm, III won (57%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
614 57.3%
371 34.6%
86 8.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,071  
Undervotes 5  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 1,079  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Troy
David Nonn won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
405 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 405  
Undervotes 53  
Total Ballots Cast 458  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Venice
Tyrone Echols won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
356 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 356  
Undervotes 118  
Total Ballots Cast 474  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Wood River
Tom Stalcup won (77%) against Cheryl Goessman Maguire. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,145 77.0%
342 23.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,487  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 1,500  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election School Board MemberTwo-Year Term Central 71 District
Tanya Kampwerth won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 1 Alderperson District
Brian M. Campbell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
486 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 486  
Undervotes 120  
Total Ballots Cast 606  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 2 Alderperson District
Carolyn Macafee ran (52%) against Steve Potter. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
345 51.8%
321 48.2%
Total Votes Cast 666  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 696  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 3 Alderperson District
Raymond C. Strebel ran (38%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
194 38.0%
124 24.3%
109 21.3%
84 16.4%
Total Votes Cast 511  
Undervotes 15  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 527  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 4 Alderperson District
Rosetta "Rosie" Brown ran (56%) against Tammy Smith. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
290 56.3%
225 43.7%
Total Votes Cast 515  
Undervotes 9  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 525  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 5 Alderperson District
Charles Brake ran (50%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
263 49.6%
195 36.8%
72 13.6%
Total Votes Cast 530  
Undervotes 24  
Total Ballots Cast 554  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 6 Alderperson District
Stephanie J. Elliott ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
484 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 484  
Undervotes 90  
Total Ballots Cast 574  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Alton Ward 7 Alderperson District
Nate Keener ran (60%) against Patricia L. (Patty) Ford. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
259 59.5%
176 40.5%
Total Votes Cast 435  
Undervotes 10  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 446  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 2 Alderperson District
Jack Burns ran (59%) against Yolanda Crochrell. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
177 59.0%
123 41.0%
Total Votes Cast 300  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 310  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 4 Alderperson District
SJ Morrison ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
317 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 317  
Undervotes 44  
Total Ballots Cast 361  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 6 Alderperson District
Jennifer Warren ran (79%) against Larry J. Miller. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
467 79.3%
122 20.7%
Total Votes Cast 589  
Undervotes 38  
Total Ballots Cast 627  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 1 Alderperson District
Gerald Williams ran (55%) against Terry Perrin. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
181 54.9%
149 45.2%
Total Votes Cast 330  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 360  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 2 Alderperson District
Jason M. Smith ran (55%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
228 55.2%
133 32.2%
52 12.6%
Total Votes Cast 413  
Undervotes 27  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 441  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 3 Alderperson District
Dan McDowell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
689 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 689  
Undervotes 144  
Total Ballots Cast 833  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 4 Alderperson District
Jerry Harrington ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
777 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 777  
Undervotes 120  
Total Ballots Cast 897  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 5 Alderperson District
Randall J. LeMaster ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
815 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 815  
Undervotes 173  
Total Ballots Cast 988  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Madison Ward 1 Alderperson District
Vera Browley ran (55%) against Dreeta Jenkins. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
158 55.2%
128 44.8%
Total Votes Cast 286  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 301  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Madison Ward 2 Alderperson District
Cassandra C. Miller ran (50%) against Jim Riskovsky. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
148 50.2%
147 49.8%
Total Votes Cast 295  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 302  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Madison Ward 3 Alderperson District
Michael F. Vrabec ran (53%) against Ralph T. Miller. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
128 52.9%
114 47.1%
Total Votes Cast 242  
Undervotes 15  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 258  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Madison Ward 4 Alderperson District
Cynthia Y. Dixon ran (69%) against Donald Turner. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
148 69.2%
66 30.8%
Total Votes Cast 214  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 218  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Troy Ward 1 Alderperson District
Elizabeth Hellrung ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
100 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 100  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Troy Ward 2 Alderperson District
Samuel V. Italiano ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
52 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 52  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 58  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Troy Ward 3 Alderperson District
Timothy E. Flint ran (56%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
88 56.4%
34 21.8%
34 21.8%
Total Votes Cast 156  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 176  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Troy Ward 4 Alderperson District
Nathan M. Henderson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
91 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 91  
Undervotes 18  
Total Ballots Cast 109  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election AlderpersonTwo-Year Term Troy Ward 4 Alderperson District
Debrah Knoll ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
92 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 92  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 109  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Venice Ward 1 Alderperson District
Phillip White, Jr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
33 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 33  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 48  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Venice Ward 2 Alderperson District
Ricky C. Williams ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
146 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 146  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 176  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Venice Ward 3 Alderperson District
Eddie L. Young ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
87 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 87  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 113  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Alderperson Venice Ward 4 Alderperson District
Gerald Massie, Sr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
97 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 97  
Undervotes 40  
Total Ballots Cast 137  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Alton District
Kraig E. Daniels and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
364 22.1%
334 20.2%
322 19.5%
317 19.2%
314 19.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,651  
Undervotes 909  
Total Ballots Cast 640  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Alton 11 District
Barry Macias and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,539 28.5%
4,938 25.4%
4,572 23.5%
4,383 22.6%
Total Votes Cast 19,432  
Undervotes 13,260  
Total Ballots Cast 8,173  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Aviston 21 District
Melissa Kohnen and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Bethalto 8 District
Sharon Rothe and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
734 22.1%
684 20.6%
651 19.6%
636 19.1%
621 18.7%
Total Votes Cast 3,326  
Undervotes 1,174  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 1,126  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Bunker Hill 8 District
Shadow Collins and 5 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3  
Total Ballots Cast 1  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Central 71 District
Jeff Kampwerth and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Collinsville 10 District
Gary A. Peccola and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,511 26.1%
2,166 22.5%
1,858 19.3%
1,659 17.2%
1,447 15.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,641  
Undervotes 2,896  
Overvotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 4,210  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member East Alton-Wood River 14 District
Michael Redman and Mark St. Peters ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,064 50.5%
1,042 49.5%
Total Votes Cast 2,106  
Undervotes 2,841  
Total Ballots Cast 1,649  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Edwardsville 7 District
John McDole and 5 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,226 22.6%
3,060 21.4%
3,024 21.2%
2,131 14.9%
1,709 12.0%
1,146 8.0%
Total Votes Cast 14,296  
Undervotes 3,335  
Overvotes 57  
Total Ballots Cast 5,934  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Edwardsville 7 District
Kristen Pfund ran (56%) against Lelan R. Olsen. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,768 55.7%
2,202 44.3%
Total Votes Cast 4,970  
Undervotes 961  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 5,934  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Granite City 9 District
Erica Venne and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,058 22.0%
2,891 20.8%
2,732 19.6%
2,675 19.2%
2,569 18.5%
Total Votes Cast 13,925  
Undervotes 5,355  
Overvotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 4,830  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Highland 5 District
Steve Lanxon and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
748 26.0%
728 25.4%
709 24.7%
687 23.9%
Total Votes Cast 2,872  
Undervotes 1,308  
Total Ballots Cast 1,045  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Madison 12 District
Marie Nelson and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
797 26.8%
778 26.2%
713 24.0%
683 23.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,971  
Undervotes 2,085  
Total Ballots Cast 1,264  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Roxana 1 District
Patricia J. Devening and 2 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
842 30.4%
808 29.2%
764 27.6%
352 12.7%
Total Votes Cast 2,766  
Undervotes 2,754  
Total Ballots Cast 1,380  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Saint Rose 14-15 District
Brent Schwierjohn and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education MemberTwo-Year Term Staunton 6 District
Clayton Green ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
125 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 125  
Undervotes 108  
Total Ballots Cast 233  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Staunton 6 District
Kevin Carroll and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
123 23.3%
117 22.2%
106 20.1%
97 18.4%
85 16.1%
Total Votes Cast 528  
Undervotes 159  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 233  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Triad 2 District
Lori Daiber and 3 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,307 32.1%
1,068 26.2%
939 23.1%
758 18.6%
Total Votes Cast 4,072  
Undervotes 1,532  
Overvotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 1,875  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Venice 3 District
Tisha G. Glasper and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
232 28.6%
205 25.3%
189 23.3%
184 22.7%
Total Votes Cast 810  
Undervotes 442  
Total Ballots Cast 313  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Board of Education Member Wood River-Hartford District
Amy Allen and Sheila M. Sorgea ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
640 51.3%
607 48.7%
Total Votes Cast 1,247  
Undervotes 2,789  
Total Ballots Cast 1,009  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Alton
Cheryl L. Ingle won (34%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,262 34.2%
1,160 31.4%
813 22.0%
458 12.4%
Total Votes Cast 3,693  
Undervotes 232  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 3,928  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Edwardsville
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Granite
Jenna DeYong won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,080 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,080  
Undervotes 439  
Total Ballots Cast 3,519  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Highland
Barbara Bellm won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
524 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 524  
Undervotes 61  
Total Ballots Cast 585  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Madison
Celena Browley won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
611 69.0%
275 31.0%
Total Votes Cast 886  
Undervotes 190  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 1,079  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Troy
Kim Thomas won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
365 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 365  
Undervotes 93  
Total Ballots Cast 458  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election City Clerk City Venice
Ruby L. Johnson won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
336 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 336  
Undervotes 138  
Total Ballots Cast 474  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election College TrusteeTwo-Year Term Kaskasia College District
Patrick Ashby ran (0%) against Jim Beasley. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election College Trustee Kaskaskia 501 College District
Jeffrey J. Brown and 3 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election College Trustee Lewis & Clark 536 College District
Larry G. Trent and 3 others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
8,521 30.5%
8,394 30.1%
5,942 21.3%
5,076 18.2%
Total Votes Cast 27,933  
Undervotes 9,233  
Overvotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 18,606  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election College TrusteeTwo-Year Term Southwestern Illinois College 522 Subdistrict 7 College
Sara Soehlke ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,738 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,738  
Undervotes 1,356  
Total Ballots Cast 5,094  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Community Building Trustee Saint Jacob Township
Scott Seger and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
353 36.8%
335 34.9%
271 28.3%
Total Votes Cast 959  
Undervotes 640  
Total Ballots Cast 1,599  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Councilperson City Collinsville
Donna Green and David Jerome ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,401 52.5%
1,270 47.6%
Total Votes Cast 2,671  
Undervotes 1,963  
Total Ballots Cast 2,317  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Councilperson City Highland
Rick J. Frey and 2 others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
442 42.3%
408 39.0%
195 18.7%
Total Votes Cast 1,045  
Undervotes 125  
Total Ballots Cast 585  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Councilperson City Wood River
Jeremy Plank and 5 others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
642 23.6%
621 22.8%
496 18.2%
481 17.6%
260 9.5%
226 8.3%
Total Votes Cast 2,726  
Undervotes 266  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 1,500  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Fire Protection District Trustee District Godfrey
Matthew G. Horn ran (56%) against Mark Warner. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,755 56.0%
1,381 44.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,136  
Undervotes 593  
Overvotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 3,737  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Bethalto Library District
Kristy Walker and no others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
945 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 945  
Undervotes 1,465  
Total Ballots Cast 1,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeFour-Year Term Bethalto Library District
Ruby Bryan and no others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
937 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 937  
Undervotes 1,473  
Total Ballots Cast 1,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee East Alston Library District
Charlotte Wiegand and Loretta Silkwood ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
509 48.7%
495 47.4%
41 3.9%
Total Votes Cast 1,045  
Undervotes 2,051  
Total Ballots Cast 774  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Glen Carbon (Centennial) Library District
Kevin Tellor and Robert D. Klingensmith ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,000 50.0%
999 50.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,999  
Undervotes 1,365  
Total Ballots Cast 1,682  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeTwo-Year Term Glen Carbon (Centennial) Library District
Marcella Starck ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,156 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,156  
Undervotes 526  
Total Ballots Cast 1,682  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Hartford Library District
Patricia Stanton and no others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
217 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 217  
Undervotes 323  
Total Ballots Cast 270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Hayner Library District
Amber L. Sims and Peter Tassinari ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,737 50.0%
4,730 50.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,467  
Undervotes 6,839  
Total Ballots Cast 8,153  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeFour-Year Term Hayner Library District
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Maryville Library District
Tami Schaibly and Jessica Yakstis ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
834 52.1%
767 47.9%
Total Votes Cast 1,601  
Undervotes 2,638  
Total Ballots Cast 1,413  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeTwo-Year Term Maryville Library District
Sharon Frey ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
964 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 964  
Undervotes 449  
Total Ballots Cast 1,413  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Mississippi Valley Library District
Nancy Gerstenecker and Ana R. Romero-Lizana ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,861 62.1%
1,135 37.9%
Total Votes Cast 2,996  
Undervotes 2,548  
Total Ballots Cast 2,772  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Roxana Library District
Diane Herndon and no others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
160 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 160  
Undervotes 380  
Total Ballots Cast 180  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Tri-Township Library District
Katherine Scheller and Dennis Ashcraft ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
520 53.2%
458 46.8%
Total Votes Cast 978  
Undervotes 442  
Total Ballots Cast 710  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeFour-Year Term Worden Library District
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee Worden Public Library District
Amy Hall and no others ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
100 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 100  
Undervotes 142  
Total Ballots Cast 121  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library Trustee 6 Mile Library District
Linda McDonnell and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,069 39.9%
2,476 32.2%
2,155 28.0%
Total Votes Cast 7,700  
Undervotes 6,541  
Total Ballots Cast 4,747  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Library TrusteeTwo-Year Term 6 Mile Regional Library District
Elizabeth Cicio ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,616 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,616  
Undervotes 1,131  
Total Ballots Cast 4,747  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park Commissioner Granite Park District
Linda Ames and Matt Jones ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,302 54.1%
1,954 45.9%
Total Votes Cast 4,256  
Undervotes 2,682  
Total Ballots Cast 6,838  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park Commissioner Roxana Park District
Leslie Schmidt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
160 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 160  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 180  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park Commissioner Saint Jacob Park District
Aaron Mersinger and Joshua J. Hancock ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
374 55.7%
297 44.3%
Total Votes Cast 671  
Undervotes 395  
Total Ballots Cast 1,066  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park CommissionerFour-Year Term Saint Jacob Park District
Charles Milam ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
391 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 391  
Undervotes 142  
Total Ballots Cast 533  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park CommissionerTwo-Year Term Saint Jacob Park District
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park Commissioner Tri-Township Park District
Stephen Barbour and 6 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
360 16.3%
342 15.5%
320 14.5%
318 14.4%
316 14.3%
301 13.6%
252 11.4%
Total Votes Cast 2,209  
Undervotes 827  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 3,037  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Park Commissioner Venice Park District
Brenda Ervin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
352 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 352  
Undervotes 122  
Total Ballots Cast 474  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Regional Board of School Trustees Calhoun-Greene-Jersey-Macoupin Education Service Region
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Regional Board of School Trustees Madison Education Service Region
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Alhambra Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Alton Township
Sheryl A. Beilsmith ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,073 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,073  
Undervotes 855  
Total Ballots Cast 3,928  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Chouteau Township
Robert Falk ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Chouteau 2021 Party
531 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 531  
Undervotes 178  
Total Ballots Cast 709  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Collinsville Township
Peter J. Poletti ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,890 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,890  
Undervotes 1,380  
Total Ballots Cast 4,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Edwardsville Township
Jennifer Hegel ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Township Improvement Party
3,134 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,134  
Undervotes 1,413  
Total Ballots Cast 4,547  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Fort Russell Township
Sandra Strohmeier ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
511 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 511  
Undervotes 122  
Total Ballots Cast 633  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Foster Township
Misty Meznarsic ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
421 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 421  
Undervotes 125  
Total Ballots Cast 546  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Granite Township
Deborah Gray ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,905 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,905  
Undervotes 587  
Total Ballots Cast 3,492  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Hamel Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Helvetia Township
Fred N. Michael ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
437 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 437  
Undervotes 64  
Total Ballots Cast 501  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Jarvis Township
Jessica Dudley ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
502 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 502  
Undervotes 139  
Total Ballots Cast 641  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Marine Township
Vicki L. Grater ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
477 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 477  
Undervotes 95  
Total Ballots Cast 572  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Moro Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Nameoki Township
Tammy Hanfelder ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
884 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 884  
Undervotes 302  
Total Ballots Cast 1,186  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor New Douglas Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Olive Township
Margaret E. Lamore ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
164 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 164  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 189  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Omphghent Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Pin Oak Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Saint Jacob Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Saline Township
Julie A. Powell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
244 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 244  
Undervotes 56  
Total Ballots Cast 300  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Venice Township
Babette Mosby ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,115 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,115  
Undervotes 411  
Total Ballots Cast 1,526  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Assessor Wood River Township
Sandy Shaw ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,479 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,479  
Undervotes 726  
Total Ballots Cast 3,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Alhambra Township
Patricia Take won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
144 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 144  
Undervotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 175  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Chouteau Township
Carole Meyer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Chouteau 2021 Party
518 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 518  
Undervotes 191  
Total Ballots Cast 709  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Collinsville Township
James W. Achenbach won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,565 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,565  
Undervotes 1,705  
Total Ballots Cast 4,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Collinsville Township
James W. Achenbach won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,565 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,565  
Undervotes 1,705  
Total Ballots Cast 4,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Edwardsville Township
Dave Schwind won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Township Improvement Party
3,132 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,132  
Undervotes 1,415  
Total Ballots Cast 4,547  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Fort Russell Township
Bradley H. Sconce won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
497 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 497  
Undervotes 136  
Total Ballots Cast 633  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Foster Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Hamel Township
Leroy A. Wood won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
226 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 226  
Undervotes 49  
Total Ballots Cast 275  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Helvetia Township
Carol Hammer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
429 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 429  
Undervotes 72  
Total Ballots Cast 501  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Jarvis Township
Alan J. Dunstan won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
507 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 507  
Undervotes 134  
Total Ballots Cast 641  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Leef Township
Judith I. Zimmerman won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
38 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 38  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 39  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Marine Township
Pamela Voegele won (48%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
257 48.0%
154 28.7%
125 23.3%
Total Votes Cast 536  
Undervotes 36  
Total Ballots Cast 572  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Moro Township
Dianna Hurst won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
262 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 262  
Undervotes 78  
Total Ballots Cast 340  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Nameoki Township
Jamie Vincent won (54%) against Nicholas L. Cohan. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
572 54.4%
480 45.6%
Total Votes Cast 1,052  
Undervotes 134  
Total Ballots Cast 1,186  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk New Douglas Township
Nancy Zweck won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
36 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 36  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 40  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Olive Township
David L. Lamore won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
160 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 160  
Undervotes 29  
Total Ballots Cast 189  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Omphghent Township
Michael E. Schaefer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
182 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 182  
Undervotes 39  
Total Ballots Cast 221  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Pin Oak Township
Kathy L. Long won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
338 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 338  
Undervotes 76  
Total Ballots Cast 414  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Saint Jacob Township
Diane Frey won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
439 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 439  
Undervotes 94  
Total Ballots Cast 533  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Saline Township
Judith A. Hartlieb won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
265 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 265  
Undervotes 35  
Total Ballots Cast 300  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Venice Township
Gussie Glasper won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,092 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,092  
Undervotes 434  
Total Ballots Cast 1,526  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Clerk Wood River Township
Sherry L. Tite won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,527 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,527  
Undervotes 678  
Total Ballots Cast 3,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Alhambra Township
Andrew Maine ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
135 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 135  
Undervotes 40  
Total Ballots Cast 175  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Chouteau Township
Jeffrey S. Scholebo ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Chouteau 2021 Party
532 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 532  
Undervotes 177  
Total Ballots Cast 709  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Collinsville Township
Kathy Trucano-Hoelscher ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,126 97.6%
77 2.4%
Total Votes Cast 3,203  
Undervotes 1,065  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 4,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Edwardsville Township
Danny Picarella ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Township Improvement Party
3,223 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,223  
Undervotes 1,324  
Total Ballots Cast 4,547  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Fort Russell Township
Todd Shaw ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
505 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 505  
Undervotes 128  
Total Ballots Cast 633  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Foster Township
Jacob Strohbeck ran (68%) against Pat Maher. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
364 68.3%
169 31.7%
Total Votes Cast 533  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 546  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Hamel Township
Clay Gusewelle ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
238 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 238  
Undervotes 37  
Total Ballots Cast 275  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Helvetia Township
Chad Zobrist ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
432 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 432  
Undervotes 69  
Total Ballots Cast 501  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Jarvis Township
Dale Grapperhaus ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
542 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 542  
Undervotes 99  
Total Ballots Cast 641  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Leef Township
Kevin Rutz ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
36 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 36  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 39  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Marine Township
Roger A. Kampwerth, Jr ran (77%) against Andrew Steinkoenig. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
426 77.2%
126 22.8%
Total Votes Cast 552  
Undervotes 19  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 572  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Moro Township
Pat Cooper ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
306 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 306  
Undervotes 34  
Total Ballots Cast 340  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Nameoki Township
Daniel Harper ran (65%) against Robert Kirkover. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
718 64.6%
394 35.4%
Total Votes Cast 1,112  
Undervotes 74  
Total Ballots Cast 1,186  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner New Douglas Township
Larry Griffith ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
38 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 38  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 40  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Olive Township
Robert G. Chulka ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
175 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 175  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 189  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Omphghent Township
"Cuz" Vernon Ruble ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
181 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 181  
Undervotes 40  
Total Ballots Cast 221  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Pin Oak Township
Robert J. Helms ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
334 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 334  
Undervotes 80  
Total Ballots Cast 414  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Saint Jacob Township
Rick L. Seger ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
431 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 431  
Undervotes 102  
Total Ballots Cast 533  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Saline Township
Bryan L. Rutz ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
261 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 261  
Undervotes 39  
Total Ballots Cast 300  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Venice Township
Sean Mosby ran (59%) against Kenneth A. Stanley. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
854 58.9%
596 41.1%
Total Votes Cast 1,450  
Undervotes 71  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 1,526  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Highway Commissioner Wood River Township
Mark J. Gernigin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,452 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,452  
Undervotes 753  
Total Ballots Cast 3,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Alhambra Township
Jerry Frank ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
155 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 155  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 175  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Alton Township
Mary R. Bohart ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,144 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,144  
Undervotes 784  
Total Ballots Cast 3,928  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Chouteau Township
Eddie Lee ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Chouteau 2021 Party
540 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 540  
Undervotes 169  
Total Ballots Cast 709  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Collinsville Township
Derrick Keith Cox ran (63%) against Daniel Hopkins. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,627 63.2%
1,533 36.9%
Total Votes Cast 4,160  
Undervotes 108  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 4,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Edwardsville Township
Kevin Hall ran (55%) against Fred Schulte. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,301 55.4%
Township Improvement Party
1,854 44.6%
Total Votes Cast 4,155  
Undervotes 390  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 4,547  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Fort Russell Township
Stacy J. McRae ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
526 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 526  
Undervotes 107  
Total Ballots Cast 633  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Foster Township
Eugene R. Gvillo, Jr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
472 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 472  
Undervotes 74  
Total Ballots Cast 546  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Granite Township
Margaret Shipley ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,029 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,029  
Undervotes 463  
Total Ballots Cast 3,492  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Hamel Township
Duane H. Meyer ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
240 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 240  
Undervotes 35  
Total Ballots Cast 275  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Helvetia Township
Judy Schmitt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
426 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 426  
Undervotes 75  
Total Ballots Cast 501  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Jarvis Township
Mary Andrea May ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
499 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 499  
Undervotes 142  
Total Ballots Cast 641  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Leef Township
Kevin J. Schwarz ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
39 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 39  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Marine Township
Steven N. Bartlett ran (71%) against Steven M. Martin. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
399 71.1%
162 28.9%
Total Votes Cast 561  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 572  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Moro Township
Jason Christians ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
285 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 285  
Undervotes 55  
Total Ballots Cast 340  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Nameoki Township
John "Eric" Foster ran (40%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
462 39.9%
446 38.5%
250 21.6%
Total Votes Cast 1,158  
Undervotes 28  
Total Ballots Cast 1,186  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor New Douglas Township
Duane Schallenberg ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
39 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 39  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 40  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Olive Township
Terry A. Wray ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
163 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 163  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 189  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Omphghent Township
Mary Butcher ran (61%) against David Paul. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
127 61.4%
80 38.7%
Total Votes Cast 207  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 221  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Pin Oak Township
Jay Kohlmiller ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
341 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 341  
Undervotes 73  
Total Ballots Cast 414  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Saint Jacob Township
Scott A. Rose ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
433 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 433  
Undervotes 100  
Total Ballots Cast 533  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Saline Township
Curtis C. Messerli ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
257 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 257  
Undervotes 43  
Total Ballots Cast 300  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Venice Township
Mark Crochrell, Sr. ran (57%) against Andrew F. Economy. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
833 57.2%
624 42.8%
Total Votes Cast 1,457  
Undervotes 68  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 1,526  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Supervisor Wood River Township
Mike Babcock ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,370 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,370  
Undervotes 835  
Total Ballots Cast 3,205  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Chouteau Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Edwardsville Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Foster Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Jarvis Township
Tim Obernuefemann ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
492 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 492  
Undervotes 149  
Total Ballots Cast 641  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Nameoki Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Tax Collector Venice Township
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Alhambra Township
Ronald H. Schmidt and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
123 27.3%
118 26.2%
107 23.8%
102 22.7%
Total Votes Cast 450  
Undervotes 250  
Total Ballots Cast 700  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Chouteau Township
Sandy Mueller and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Chouteau 2021 Party
424 27.9%
Chouteau 2021 Party
408 26.8%
Chouteau 2021 Party
346 22.8%
Chouteau 2021 Party
343 22.6%
Total Votes Cast 1,521  
Undervotes 1,315  
Total Ballots Cast 2,836  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Collinsville Township
Brad Sewell and 7 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,111 14.3%
2,006 13.6%
2,001 13.6%
1,952 13.2%
1,903 12.9%
1,870 12.7%
1,465 9.9%
1,432 9.7%
Total Votes Cast 14,740  
Undervotes 2,304  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 16,745  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Edwardsville Township
Janet Haroian and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Township Improvement Party
2,638 26.8%
Township Improvement Party
2,422 24.6%
Township Improvement Party
2,413 24.5%
Township Improvement Party
2,377 24.1%
Total Votes Cast 9,850  
Undervotes 8,338  
Total Ballots Cast 17,883  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Fort Russell Township
Steve Imel and 2 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
421 35.7%
407 34.5%
353 29.9%
Total Votes Cast 1,181  
Undervotes 1,351  
Total Ballots Cast 2,532  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Foster Township
Daniel Bierbaum and 2 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
385 37.3%
313 30.3%
295 28.6%
39 3.8%
Total Votes Cast 1,032  
Undervotes 1,152  
Total Ballots Cast 2,184  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Hamel Township
Richard M. Gusewelle and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
214 26.3%
206 25.3%
200 24.6%
194 23.8%
Total Votes Cast 814  
Undervotes 286  
Total Ballots Cast 1,100  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Helvetia Township
Wayne P. Steiner and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
378 26.6%
349 24.6%
349 24.6%
344 24.2%
Total Votes Cast 1,420  
Undervotes 584  
Total Ballots Cast 2,004  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Jarvis Township
Monica Hartlein and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Good Government
442 27.0%
Good Government
409 24.9%
Good Government
399 24.3%
Good Government
390 23.8%
Total Votes Cast 1,640  
Undervotes 924  
Total Ballots Cast 2,474  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Leef Township
Donald Hediger and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
37 26.2%
36 25.5%
35 24.8%
33 23.4%
Total Votes Cast 141  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 156  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Marine Township
Joseph (Joe) A. Dietz and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
381 25.4%
360 24.0%
320 21.4%
273 18.2%
165 11.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,499  
Undervotes 789  
Total Ballots Cast 2,288  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Moro Township
Kerry Bertels and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
244 25.4%
244 25.4%
242 25.2%
232 24.1%
Total Votes Cast 962  
Undervotes 398  
Total Ballots Cast 1,360  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Nameoki Township
Margaret "Margie" Cooke and 5 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
612 19.2%
602 18.9%
602 18.9%
545 17.1%
422 13.2%
405 12.7%
Total Votes Cast 3,188  
Undervotes 1,556  
Total Ballots Cast 4,744  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee New Douglas Township
Sandra M. Abert and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
37 26.4%
36 25.7%
34 24.3%
33 23.6%
Total Votes Cast 140  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 160  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Olive Township
Jerry Prosser and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
130 26.5%
125 25.5%
119 24.3%
116 23.7%
Total Votes Cast 490  
Undervotes 266  
Total Ballots Cast 756  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Omphghent Township
Bryan Steinmeyer and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
165 27.7%
152 25.6%
148 24.9%
130 21.9%
Total Votes Cast 595  
Undervotes 289  
Total Ballots Cast 884  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Pin Oak Township
Timothy Tosovsky and 3 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
254 26.4%
242 25.1%
234 24.3%
234 24.3%
Total Votes Cast 964  
Undervotes 692  
Total Ballots Cast 1,656  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Saint Jacob Township
Lori Daiber and 2 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
391 41.9%
304 32.6%
238 25.5%
Total Votes Cast 933  
Undervotes 1,199  
Total Ballots Cast 2,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Saline Township
Robert W. Schrumpf and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
196 21.6%
192 21.1%
189 20.8%
169 18.6%
163 17.9%
Total Votes Cast 909  
Undervotes 291  
Total Ballots Cast 1,200  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Venice Township
Marie Nelson and 6 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
819 17.5%
791 16.9%
790 16.9%
741 15.8%
596 12.7%
472 10.1%
469 10.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,678  
Undervotes 1,406  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 6,089  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Township Trustee Wood River Township
Christopher Herzog and 4 others ran for 4 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,671 22.9%
1,626 22.3%
1,476 20.2%
1,421 19.5%
1,101 15.1%
Total Votes Cast 7,295  
Undervotes 5,513  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 12,701  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Alhambra Village
Linda Uhe won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
103 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 103  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Bethalto Village
Sue E. Lowrance won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
701 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 701  
Undervotes 180  
Total Ballots Cast 881  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk East Alton Village
Lori L. Palmer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
374 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 374  
Undervotes 78  
Total Ballots Cast 452  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Fairmont Village
Killian Weir won (67%) against Manuela Carranza. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Voices of the People
2 66.7%
New Beginnings
1 33.3%
Total Votes Cast 3  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Glen Carbon Village
Kathy Perry-Scaturro won (55%) against Christal L. Laswell. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
823 54.8%
679 45.2%
Total Votes Cast 1,502  
Undervotes 186  
Total Ballots Cast 1,688  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Godfrey Village
Bethany A. Bohn won (65%) against Kevin Botterbush, Sr.. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,328 65.0%
1,255 35.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,583  
Undervotes 167  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,751  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Grantfork Village
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Hartford Village
Nancy Thornburgh won (46%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
121 46.0%
116 44.1%
26 9.9%
Total Votes Cast 263  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 267  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Livingston Village
Lynne D. Best won (77%) against Jennifer L. Hendricks. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
88 76.5%
27 23.5%
Total Votes Cast 115  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 120  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk New Douglas Village
Lisa Dawn Micnheimer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
24 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 24  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 26  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Pierron Village
Toni Klitzing won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 2  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Roxana Village
Kristi Carter won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
155 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 155  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 185  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk South Roxana Village
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Williamson Village
Susan Y. Wesa won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 13  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 15  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Clerk Worden Village
Chelsea Paul won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
76 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 76  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 91  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Mayor Alhambra Village
Barbara Randle won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
104 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 104  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Mayor Glen Carbon Village
Bob Marcus won (61%) against Danny Lawrence. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,018 61.5%
638 38.5%
Total Votes Cast 1,656  
Undervotes 32  
Total Ballots Cast 1,688  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Mayor Grantfork Village
Steven Brendel won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
25 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 25  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Mayor Hartford Village
William "Bill" Robertson won (58%) against James F. (Jim) Hickerson. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
154 58.3%
110 41.7%
Total Votes Cast 264  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 267  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Bethalto Village
Gary D. Bost won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
724 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 724  
Undervotes 157  
Total Ballots Cast 881  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President East Alton Village
Darren Carlton won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
409 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 409  
Undervotes 43  
Total Ballots Cast 452  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Fairmont Village
Michael Suarez won (67%) against Rene Munoz. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Voices of the People
2 66.7%
New Beginnings
1 33.3%
Total Votes Cast 3  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Godfrey Village
Mike McCormick won (69%) against Mark Stewart. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,577 69.1%
1,152 30.9%
Total Votes Cast 3,729  
Undervotes 20  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 3,751  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Livingston Village
Rich T. Kovaly won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
79 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 79  
Undervotes 41  
Total Ballots Cast 120  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Marine Village
Kelly Tracy won (58%) against Mark Voigt. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
185 58.2%
133 41.8%
Total Votes Cast 318  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 319  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Maryville Village
N. Craig Short won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
755 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 755  
Undervotes 258  
Total Ballots Cast 1,013  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President New Douglas Village
June Ridens won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
23 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 23  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 26  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Pierron Village
Ron Hartnagel won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Roxana Village
Marty Reynolds won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
163 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 163  
Undervotes 22  
Total Ballots Cast 185  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Saint Jacob Village
Richard L. Schiefer won (53%) against Raymond D. Muniz. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
218 53.4%
190 46.6%
Total Votes Cast 408  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President South Roxana Village
Barbara Ann Overton won (48%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
126 47.7%
99 37.5%
39 14.8%
Total Votes Cast 264  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Williamson Village
Lawrence Benardin won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 13  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 15  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village President Worden Village
Preston Hall won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
80 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 80  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 91  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Treasurer New Douglas Village
Deborah R. Wense won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
23 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 23  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 26  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Alhambra Village
Jessica Take and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71 26.1%
60 22.1%
58 21.3%
46 16.9%
37 13.6%
Total Votes Cast 272  
Undervotes 73  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Bethalto Village
Jonathan Brady Dugger and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
517 25.7%
481 23.9%
459 22.8%
305 15.2%
249 12.4%
Total Votes Cast 2,011  
Undervotes 620  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 2,635  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee East Alton Village
Kelli S. Fletcher and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
354 35.6%
336 33.8%
304 30.6%
Total Votes Cast 994  
Undervotes 362  
Total Ballots Cast 452  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Fairmont Village
Charles J. Arriola and 5 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
Voices of the People
2 22.2%
Voices of the People
2 22.2%
Voices of the People
2 22.2%
New Beginnings
1 11.1%
New Beginnings
1 11.1%
New Beginnings
1 11.1%
Total Votes Cast 9  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Glen Carbon Village
Mike Sonderegger and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,024 34.9%
1,014 34.6%
894 30.5%
Total Votes Cast 2,932  
Undervotes 2,132  
Total Ballots Cast 1,688  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Godfrey Village
Sarah Woodman and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,614 29.7%
1,895 21.5%
1,748 19.8%
1,677 19.0%
876 9.9%
Total Votes Cast 8,810  
Undervotes 2,416  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 3,751  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Grantfork Village
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Hamel Village
Bethany Behrhorst and 3 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
101 33.3%
74 24.4%
67 22.1%
61 20.1%
Total Votes Cast 303  
Undervotes 96  
Total Ballots Cast 133  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Hartford Village
Carolyn Sue Daniels and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
177 37.9%
166 35.6%
124 26.6%
Total Votes Cast 467  
Undervotes 334  
Total Ballots Cast 267  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Livingston Village
Hannah Gilk-McClellan and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
67 34.7%
66 34.2%
60 31.1%
Total Votes Cast 193  
Undervotes 167  
Total Ballots Cast 120  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Marine Village
Darren Apken and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
186 34.6%
183 34.1%
168 31.3%
Total Votes Cast 537  
Undervotes 420  
Total Ballots Cast 319  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee2-Year Term Marine Village
Heather Haskins won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
272 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 272  
Undervotes 47  
Total Ballots Cast 319  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Maryville Village
Julie Clark and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
620 35.5%
573 32.8%
553 31.7%
Total Votes Cast 1,746  
Undervotes 1,293  
Total Ballots Cast 1,013  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee New Douglas Village
Barbara Bassett and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
24 35.3%
24 35.3%
20 29.4%
Total Votes Cast 68  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 26  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee2-Year Term New Douglas Village
Terry Carroll and Jane McQuaid ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
25 52.1%
23 47.9%
Total Votes Cast 48  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 58  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Pierron Village
Andrew Jackson and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2 100.0%
0 0.0%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2  
Undervotes 4  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Pontoon Beach Village
Terry Kreher and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
332 28.6%
310 26.7%
306 26.3%
126 10.8%
89 7.7%
Total Votes Cast 1,163  
Undervotes 454  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 541  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Roxana Village
Dennis "Jim" Smith and 4 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
128 26.3%
115 23.6%
98 20.1%
86 17.7%
60 12.3%
Total Votes Cast 487  
Undervotes 68  
Total Ballots Cast 185  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Saint Jacob Village
Dawn Ross and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
253 37.0%
234 34.3%
196 28.7%
Total Votes Cast 683  
Undervotes 541  
Total Ballots Cast 408  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee2-Year Term Saint Jacob Village
George J. Gavlick won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
318 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 318  
Undervotes 90  
Total Ballots Cast 408  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee South Roxana Village
Terrah L. Bevolo and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
131 34.3%
129 33.8%
122 31.9%
Total Votes Cast 382  
Undervotes 410  
Total Ballots Cast 264  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Williamson Village
Terry Soens and no others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
14 70.0%
6 30.0%
Total Votes Cast 20  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 15  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Village Trustee Worden Village
Ann Loemker and Robert Foster ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73 42.7%
60 35.1%
38 22.2%
Total Votes Cast 171  
Undervotes 102  
Total Ballots Cast 91  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Water District Trustee Fosterburg Water District
Kerry Bertels and Steven Ruppert ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
658 53.8%
566 46.2%
Total Votes Cast 1,224  
Undervotes 1,725  
Total Ballots Cast 2,849  
See Details for this Contest »
2021Apr 6 Consolidated Election Water District Trustee Meadowbrook Water District
Kent Harrop and 2 others ran for 3 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
48 35.8%
43 32.1%
43 32.1%
Total Votes Cast 134  
Undervotes 64  
Total Ballots Cast 198  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election President of the United States State of Illinois
Donald J Trump ran (55%) against 5 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
76,031 55.3%
57,836 42.0%
2,169 1.6%
710 0.5%
American Solidarity Party
206 0.2%
Party for Socialism and L1beration
183 0.1%
423 0.3%
Total Votes Cast 137,558  
Undervotes 574  
Overvotes 174  
Total Ballots Cast 138,306  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary President of the United States State of Illinois
Joseph R. Biden ran (61%) against 12 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
15,681 60.9%
8,635 33.5%
388 1.5%
341 1.3%
231 0.9%
165 0.6%
138 0.5%
54 0.2%
Total Votes Cast 25,772  
Undervotes 343  
Overvotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 26,135  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary President of the United States State of Illinois
Donald J Trump ran (98%) against ROQUE "ROCKY" De La FUENTE. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
14,126 97.9%
309 2.1%
Total Votes Cast 14,435  
Undervotes 214  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 14,655  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election United States Senator State of Illinois
Mark C. Curran Jr. ran (53%) against 4 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71,658 52.9%
59,178 43.7%
2,253 1.7%
1,293 1.0%
Willie Wilson Party
1,106 0.8%
89 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 135,577  
Undervotes 2,650  
Overvotes 79  
Total Ballots Cast 138,306  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Richard J. Durbin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21,708 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 21,708  
Undervotes 4,427  
Total Ballots Cast 26,135  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Peggy Hubbard ran (33%) against 4 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,371 32.9%
4,360 32.8%
2,109 15.9%
1,803 13.6%
641 4.8%
Total Votes Cast 13,284  
Undervotes 1,342  
Overvotes 29  
Total Ballots Cast 14,655  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 12
Mike Bost ran (55%) against Raymond C. Lenzi. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
26,528 55.4%
21,393 44.6%
Total Votes Cast 47,921  
Undervotes 1,010  
Overvotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 48,945  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary United States Representative Congressional District 12
Raymond C. Lenzi ran (51%) against Joel D. Funk. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,235 51.2%
4,039 48.8%
Total Votes Cast 8,274  
Undervotes 1,532  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 9,807  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary United States Representative Congressional District 12
Mike Bost ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,122 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,122  
Undervotes 310  
Total Ballots Cast 4,432  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 13
Rodney Davis ran (57%) against Betsy Dirksen Londrigan. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
31,488 57.0%
23,800 43.1%
Total Votes Cast 55,288  
Undervotes 1,135  
Overvotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 56,435  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 13
Rodney Davis ran (57%) against Betsy Dirksen Londrigan. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
31,488 57.0%
23,800 43.1%
Total Votes Cast 55,288  
Undervotes 1,135  
Overvotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 56,435  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary United States Representative Congressional District 13
Betsy Dirksen Londrigan ran (71%) against Stefanie Smith. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
7,186 71.4%
2,885 28.7%
Total Votes Cast 10,071  
Undervotes 1,310  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 11,382  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary United States Representative Congressional District 13
Rodney Davis ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,095 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 5,095  
Undervotes 455  
Total Ballots Cast 5,550  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election United States Representative Congressional District 15
Mary Miller ran (66%) against Erika C. Weaver. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21,015 65.7%
10,977 34.3%
Total Votes Cast 31,992  
Undervotes 932  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 32,926  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary United States Representative Congressional District 15
Erika C. Weaver ran (54%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,158 54.5%
842 21.3%
676 17.1%
285 7.2%
Total Votes Cast 3,961  
Undervotes 984  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 4,946  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary United States Representative Congressional District 15
Mary Miller ran (60%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,591 59.8%
903 20.8%
531 12.3%
311 7.2%
Total Votes Cast 4,336  
Undervotes 333  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 4,673  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 95
Avery Bourne won (71%) against Chase Wilhelm. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,433 70.8%
1,419 29.3%
Total Votes Cast 4,852  
Undervotes 149  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 5,002  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 95
Chase Wilhelm won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
657 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 657  
Undervotes 112  
Total Ballots Cast 769  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 95
Avery Bourne won (84%) against Lawrence L. Oliver. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
756 84.2%
142 15.8%
Total Votes Cast 898  
Undervotes 29  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 928  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 100
Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer won (58%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,902 58.3%
1,144 35.1%
Pro-Gun Pro-Life
216 6.6%
Total Votes Cast 3,262  
Undervotes 96  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,359  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 100
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 100
Christopher "C.D." Davidsmeyer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
340 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 340  
Undervotes 27  
Total Ballots Cast 367  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 108
Charles Meier won (71%) against Kacie Weicherding. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
19,270 70.6%
8,020 29.4%
Total Votes Cast 27,290  
Undervotes 899  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 28,191  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 108
Kacie Weicherding won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,308 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,308  
Undervotes 734  
Total Ballots Cast 4,042  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 108
Charles Meier ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,700 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,700  
Undervotes 415  
Total Ballots Cast 4,115  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Amy Elik won (54%) against Monica J. Bristow. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
26,059 54.2%
22,040 45.8%
Total Votes Cast 48,099  
Undervotes 1,121  
Overvotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 49,228  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Monica J. Bristow won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
8,268 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 8,268  
Undervotes 864  
Total Ballots Cast 9,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 111
Amy Elik won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,482 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 4,482  
Undervotes 481  
Total Ballots Cast 4,963  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 112
Katie Stuart won (54%) against Lisa Ciampoli. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
25,280 54.0%
21,577 46.1%
Total Votes Cast 46,857  
Undervotes 1,012  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 47,878  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 112
Katie Stuart won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
9,569 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,569  
Undervotes 887  
Total Ballots Cast 10,456  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 112
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election Representative in the General Assembly District 113
Jay Hoffman won (78%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,293 78.3%
Constitution Party
522 12.4%
393 9.3%
Total Votes Cast 4,208  
Undervotes 265  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 4,474  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 113
Jay Hoffman won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,073 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,073  
Undervotes 105  
Total Ballots Cast 1,178  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 113
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 2
Stacey Pace won (62%) against DeAnn Rizzi. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,600 61.8%
2,225 38.2%
Total Votes Cast 5,825  
Undervotes 200  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 6,028  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 2
DeAnn Rizzi won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
723 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 723  
Undervotes 177  
Total Ballots Cast 900  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 2
Stacey Pace won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
551 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 551  
Undervotes 115  
Total Ballots Cast 666  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 3
William S. Meyer won (72%) against Maria Ferrari. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
4,438 72.3%
1,700 27.7%
Total Votes Cast 6,138  
Undervotes 269  
Total Ballots Cast 6,407  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 3
William S. Meyer won (64%) against Philip W. Chapman. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
766 64.2%
428 35.9%
Total Votes Cast 1,194  
Undervotes 86  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 1,281  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 4
Bobby Ross won (67%) against Kelly A. Simpson. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,769 67.2%
1,837 32.8%
Total Votes Cast 5,606  
Undervotes 295  
Total Ballots Cast 5,901  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 4
Kelly A. Simpson won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
704 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 704  
Undervotes 191  
Total Ballots Cast 895  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 4
Bobby Ross won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
739 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 739  
Undervotes 216  
Total Ballots Cast 955  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 8
Michael Holliday, Sr. won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,782 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,782  
Undervotes 1,120  
Total Ballots Cast 3,902  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 8
Michael Holliday, Sr. won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
913 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 913  
Undervotes 146  
Total Ballots Cast 1,059  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 8
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 17
Victor Valentine, Jr. won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,073 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 3,073  
Undervotes 1,283  
Total Ballots Cast 4,356  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 17
Gary Niebur won (71%) against Victor Valentine, Jr.. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
750 71.2%
304 28.8%
Total Votes Cast 1,054  
Undervotes 139  
Total Ballots Cast 1,193  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 17
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 18
Jack Minner won (63%) against Richard Keasey. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,237 63.4%
1,866 36.6%
Total Votes Cast 5,103  
Undervotes 189  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 5,293  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 18
Jack Minner won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,266 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,266  
Undervotes 284  
Total Ballots Cast 1,550  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 19
Aaron Messner won (50%) against Dina Burch. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,235 50.2%
2,219 49.8%
Total Votes Cast 4,454  
Undervotes 185  
Total Ballots Cast 4,639  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 19
Dina Burch won (59%) against Tammy Davis. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
574 58.9%
400 41.1%
Total Votes Cast 974  
Undervotes 110  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 1,085  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 20
Denise Wiehardt won (53%) against Kristen Novacich-Koberna. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,032 53.2%
1,786 46.8%
Total Votes Cast 3,818  
Undervotes 144  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 3,963  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 20
Kristen Novacich-Koberna won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
591 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 591  
Undervotes 111  
Total Ballots Cast 702  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 20
Denise Wiehardt won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
318 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 318  
Undervotes 80  
Total Ballots Cast 398  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 26
Erica Conway Harriss won (53%) against Collin VanMeter. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,773 53.3%
2,431 46.7%
Total Votes Cast 5,204  
Undervotes 278  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 5,483  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 26
Collin VanMeter won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
993 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 993  
Undervotes 277  
Total Ballots Cast 1,270  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 26
Erica Conway Harriss won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
354 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 354  
Undervotes 97  
Total Ballots Cast 451  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 27
Heather Mueller-Jones won (63%) against Paul Rydgig. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,251 62.5%
1,950 37.5%
Total Votes Cast 5,201  
Undervotes 237  
Total Ballots Cast 5,438  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Member District 29
Ryan Kneedler won (51%) against Jim Trucano. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,228 50.5%
2,182 49.5%
Total Votes Cast 4,410  
Undervotes 155  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 4,568  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 29
Jim Trucano won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
768 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 768  
Undervotes 123  
Total Ballots Cast 891  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Member District 29
Ryan Kneedler won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
375 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 375  
Undervotes 83  
Total Ballots Cast 458  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3
Amy Maher won (53%) against Tom Gibbons. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71,004 53.3%
62,340 46.8%
Total Votes Cast 133,344  
Undervotes 4,777  
Overvotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3
Steve Stobbs won (57%) against Leslie Ann Wood. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
75,418 56.8%
57,418 43.2%
Total Votes Cast 132,836  
Undervotes 5,285  
Overvotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Circuit Court JudgeMadison County Judicial District 3
Tom Gibbons won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
22,074 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 22,074  
Undervotes 4,040  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 3
Steve Stobbs won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,368 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,368  
Undervotes 2,273  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Circuit Court JudgeMadison County Judicial District 3
Amy Maher won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,483 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,483  
Undervotes 2,158  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Alternate Delegate Congressional District 12
Morris "Lane" Harvey and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,774 35.5%
2,717 34.7%
2,334 29.8%
Total Votes Cast 7,825  
Undervotes 5,471  
Total Ballots Cast 13,296  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Alternate Delegate Congressional District 13
Don Tracy and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,654 36.6%
3,251 32.5%
3,091 30.9%
Total Votes Cast 9,996  
Undervotes 6,654  
Total Ballots Cast 16,650  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Alternate Delegate Congressional District 15
Dale Fowler and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,844 36.7%
2,500 32.3%
2,404 31.0%
Total Votes Cast 7,748  
Undervotes 6,271  
Total Ballots Cast 14,019  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Sarah Smith won (50%) against Mark M. Boie. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
66,901 50.2%
66,347 49.8%
Total Votes Cast 133,248  
Undervotes 4,871  
Overvotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Sarah Smith won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
22,329 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 22,329  
Undervotes 3,785  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Appellate Court Judge Judicial District 5
Katherine Ruocco won (54%) against Mark M. Boie. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
6,962 54.3%
5,849 45.7%
Total Votes Cast 12,811  
Undervotes 1,827  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Auditor Madison County
David Michael ran (56%) against Joe Silkwood. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73,722 55.7%
58,601 44.3%
Total Votes Cast 132,323  
Undervotes 5,795  
Overvotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Auditor Madison County
Joe Silkwood ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21,331 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 21,331  
Undervotes 4,783  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Auditor Madison County
David Michael ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,235 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,235  
Undervotes 2,406  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Circuit Clerk Madison County
Tom McRae won (54%) against Amy Gabriel. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71,929 53.9%
61,542 46.1%
Total Votes Cast 133,471  
Undervotes 4,647  
Overvotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Circuit Clerk Madison County
Amy Gabriel won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
22,308 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 22,308  
Undervotes 3,806  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Circuit Clerk Madison County
Tom McRae won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,563 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,563  
Undervotes 2,078  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 12
Jay Hoffman and 17 others ran (top 5 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,101 14.4%
4,667 13.2%
4,478 12.6%
4,179 11.8%
3,995 11.3%
2,319 6.5%
2,313 6.5%
1,980 5.6%
Total Votes Cast 35,473  
Undervotes 13,447  
Overvotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 48,943  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 12
Thomas McRae and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,285 40.6%
2,416 29.9%
2,384 29.5%
Total Votes Cast 8,085  
Undervotes 5,211  
Total Ballots Cast 13,296  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 13
Sue Scherer and 21 others ran (top 5 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
5,514 12.6%
5,114 11.7%
5,109 11.7%
4,904 11.2%
4,882 11.1%
2,975 6.8%
2,873 6.6%
2,729 6.2%
Total Votes Cast 43,837  
Undervotes 12,918  
Overvotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 56,786  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 13
Martin Davis and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,927 37.9%
3,401 32.8%
3,028 29.2%
Total Votes Cast 10,356  
Undervotes 6,294  
Total Ballots Cast 16,650  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 15
Natalie Phelps Finnie and 8 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,314 21.8%
2,040 19.2%
1,988 18.7%
1,444 13.6%
1,002 9.4%
984 9.3%
389 3.7%
290 2.7%
Total Votes Cast 10,614  
Undervotes 4,209  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 14,828  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Congressional District Delegate Congressional District 15
Thomas "Chapin" Rose and 2 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
3,031 38.2%
2,482 31.3%
2,418 30.5%
Total Votes Cast 7,931  
Undervotes 6,088  
Total Ballots Cast 14,019  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Coroner Madison County
Steve Nonn ran (53%) against Adam J. Micun. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71,008 53.5%
61,731 46.5%
Total Votes Cast 132,739  
Undervotes 5,372  
Overvotes 21  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Coroner Madison County
Steve Nonn ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
22,109 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 22,109  
Undervotes 4,005  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Coroner Madison County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election County Board Chair Madison County
Kurt Prenzler ran (53%) against Robert A. Daiber. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71,294 53.0%
63,334 47.0%
Total Votes Cast 134,628  
Undervotes 3,474  
Overvotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary County Board Chair Madison County
Robert A. Daiber ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21,208 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 21,208  
Undervotes 4,906  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary County Board Chair Madison County
Kurt Prenzler ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
11,403 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 11,403  
Undervotes 3,238  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alhambra 01
Greg Kapp ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
99 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 99  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 112  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alhambra 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alhambra 02
Jill Gorenz ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
63 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 63  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 79  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alhambra 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 01
Tanya Doucleff ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
32 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 32  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 03
Chris Miller ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
149 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 149  
Undervotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 180  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 08
Abe L. Barham ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
101 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 101  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 09
Terrence G. Peterson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
26 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 26  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 31  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 10
Everett L. Loy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
51 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 51  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 67  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 10
Tim Smith ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
36 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 36  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 45  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 11
Sara McGibany ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
119 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 119  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 138  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 11
Michael S. Galbreath ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
24 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 24  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 25  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 12
Joy Novak ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
100 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 100  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 116  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 12
Debbie Rowden ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
40 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 40  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 44  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 14
Ayron Womack ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
92 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 92  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 16
Sylvester Jennings ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
93 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 93  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 107  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 16
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 17
Nathaniel M. Keener ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
50 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 50  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 56  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 17
Ruth E. Bell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
29 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 29  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 33  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 18
Steven Edward Kimbrough, Sr, ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
117 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 117  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 131  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 19
Lois M. Holmes ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
180 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 180  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 194  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 20
Melissa Durie ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
77 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 77  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 84  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 21
Kris Larson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
159 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 159  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 178  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 21
Donald Metzler ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
70 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 70  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 81  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 23
Michael Holliday, Sr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
100 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 100  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 108  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 23
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Alton 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 01
Eric Rohman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
58 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 58  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 68  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 05
Becky Bodenstab ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
40 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 40  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 44  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chouteau 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 01
Alene M. Hill ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
91 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 91  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 106  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 02
Deena Keel ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
127 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 127  
Undervotes 21  
Total Ballots Cast 148  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 05
John Shimkus ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
59 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 59  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 64  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 06
Kelly C. Sullivan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
149 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 149  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 158  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 07
Mary J. Drumm ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
48 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 48  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 62  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 08
Erika Loyet ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
140 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 140  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 170  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 08
Jeanne Lomax ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
101 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 101  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 111  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 09
Clint Jones ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 73  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 80  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 12
Nancy Miller ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
131 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 131  
Undervotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 154  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 12
Nancy Moss ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
96 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 96  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 113  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 13
Drew Gitchoff ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
54 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 54  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 58  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 15
James E. Stack, Jr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
129 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 129  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 148  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 15
Brad J. Kneedler ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
76 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 76  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 85  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 16
Albert A. Woolen ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
114 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 114  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 128  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 16
Jenny Pruitt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
48 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 48  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 61  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 17
John J. Rekowski ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
137 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 137  
Undervotes 28  
Total Ballots Cast 165  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 17
Douglas Hulme ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
72 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 72  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 85  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 18
Brad Sewell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
86 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 86  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 97  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 22
William Rekowski ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
106 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 106  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 116  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 23
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 23
Chris Guy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
89 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 89  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 94  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 24
M. Joe Semanisin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
124 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 124  
Undervotes 22  
Total Ballots Cast 146  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 24
Chris Bethel ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
69 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 69  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 76  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 25
Michael T. Foley ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
86 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 86  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 101  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 25
Eric Wortham ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
50 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 50  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 64  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 26
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 26
Debra Fansler ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
43 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 43  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 46  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 27
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 27
Mark R. Achenbach ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
65 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 65  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 69  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 28
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 28
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 29
Geraldine A. Foley ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 71  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 80  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 29
Lee Wathan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
42 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 42  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 43  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 30
Douglas May ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
115 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 115  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 130  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Collinsville 30
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 02
Justin Zimmerman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
33 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 33  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 03
John Patrick McGuire ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
88 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 88  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 100  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 03
Kevin J. Babb ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
25 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 25  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 28  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 04
Richard Dustman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
200 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 200  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 230  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 05
Mark Von Nida ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
100 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 100  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 119  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 05
John Hulme ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
24 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 24  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 27  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 06
Randall L. Harris ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
195 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 195  
Undervotes 45  
Total Ballots Cast 240  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 06
Charles A. "Skip" Schmidt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
52 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 52  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 57  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 08
Kevin Hall ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
234 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 234  
Undervotes 64  
Total Ballots Cast 298  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 09
Larry Gallagher ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
171 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 171  
Undervotes 33  
Total Ballots Cast 204  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 09
Robert E. Hulme ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
28 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 28  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 10
Randy L. Gori ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
98 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 98  
Undervotes 49  
Total Ballots Cast 147  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 11
Jason Voigt ran (60%) against D. Wayne Barnes. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
30 60.0%
20 40.0%
Total Votes Cast 50  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 60  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 12
Mike Campbell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
49 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 49  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 55  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 12
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 13
Fred Schulte ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
58 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 58  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 62  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 14
Peter Hulme ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
26 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 26  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 15
Ben Eigenbrodt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
28 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 28  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 16
Jack Minner ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
206 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 206  
Undervotes 39  
Total Ballots Cast 245  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 16
Rick Scheibal ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
46 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 46  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 51  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 17
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 17
Kevin Rust ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
75 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 75  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 91  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 18
Susan Jensen ran (77%) against Rollie Loewen. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
151 77.0%
45 23.0%
Total Votes Cast 196  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 226  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 18
Doug Matthews ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
85 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 85  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 19
Kurt Prenzler ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
58 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 58  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 65  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 20
Dwight Kay ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
40 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 40  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 47  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 23
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 23
Douglas Dial ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
38 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 38  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 57  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 24
James (Jamie) Goggin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
29 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 29  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 40  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 25
Brenda Roosevelt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
148 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 148  
Undervotes 33  
Total Ballots Cast 181  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 26
Yolanda Crochrell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
119 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 119  
Undervotes 21  
Total Ballots Cast 140  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 26
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 27
Arthur "Charlie" Hoffman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
195 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 195  
Undervotes 52  
Total Ballots Cast 247  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 27
Erica Conway Harriss ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
87 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 87  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 104  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 28
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 28
Andrew Carruthers ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
45 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 45  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 53  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 29
Theresa L. Morrison ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
164 94.3%
10 5.8%
Total Votes Cast 174  
Undervotes 37  
Total Ballots Cast 211  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Edwardsville 29
Alex Landau ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
30 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 30  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 34  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 01
Sheila S. Voss ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
123 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 123  
Undervotes 30  
Total Ballots Cast 153  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 01
Keely Wathan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
52 73.2%
19 26.8%
Total Votes Cast 71  
Undervotes 15  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 87  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 02
Ruth Henderson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
67 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 67  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 77  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 03
Gary Woolever ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
108 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 108  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 124  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 04
Dan McRae ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
105 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 105  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 05
Steve McRae ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
117 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 117  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 125  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fort Russell 06
Michael A. Kelly ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
62 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 62  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 66  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 01
Kathy Wassink ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
88 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 88  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 104  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 03
Chris Donohoo ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
80 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 80  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 85  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Foster 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 01
Gayle L. Clymer ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
103 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 103  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 03
Karl Doucleff ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
49 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 49  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 56  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 04
Allan Napp ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
91 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 91  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 106  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 05
Gene Hand ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
95 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 95  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 102  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 06
Gary Carruthers ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
76 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 76  
Undervotes 28  
Total Ballots Cast 104  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 07
Thomas A. Pelot ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
104 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 104  
Undervotes 35  
Total Ballots Cast 139  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 10
Kevin J. Botterbush ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
102 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 102  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 111  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 11
Raymond E. Wesley ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
63 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 63  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 69  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 12
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 12
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 14
Thomas Bruce Vest ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
98 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 98  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 112  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 15
John J. Dunphy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
107 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 107  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 124  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Godfrey 15
Robert F. Hamilton ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
84 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 84  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 93  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 03
Kristen Novacich-Koberna ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
90 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 90  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 107  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 05
Kathleen M. Goclan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
40 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 40  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 47  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 11
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 12
Dennis Patterson, Jr. ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
77 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 77  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 84  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 12
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 13
Patrick Davis ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
67 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 67  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 82  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 14
Nick Raftopoulos ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
79 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 79  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 89  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 15
Scott Hillman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
95 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 95  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 110  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 16
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 16
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 17
Zack Nunn ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
112 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 112  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 138  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 17
Don Sawicki ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
42 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 42  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 47  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 23
Rick Fancher ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
139 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 139  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 165  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 23
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 25
Dana Wallace ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
93 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 93  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 107  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Granite City 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hamel 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hamel 01
Bethany Behrhorst ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
140 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 140  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 159  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hamel 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hamel 02
David McLane ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
123 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 123  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 148  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 01
Eric J. Good ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
90 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 90  
Undervotes 21  
Total Ballots Cast 111  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 03
David J. Daniels ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
82 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 82  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 108  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Helvetia 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 01
Donald Joseph "Joe" Leach ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
131 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 131  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 156  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 02
Dalton Gray ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
94 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 94  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 102  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 03
Dan B. Gonzalez ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
54 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 54  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 64  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 04
James Craney ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
93 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 93  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 106  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 05
Jason Fernandez ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
152 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 152  
Undervotes 29  
Total Ballots Cast 181  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 05
Lynn Wessling ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
103 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 103  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 06
Phil Loethen ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 73  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 84  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 08
Keith Melton ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
87 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 87  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 10
Janis Shevcik Jensen ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
93 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 93  
Undervotes 22  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Jarvis 10
Don Weber ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
90 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 90  
Undervotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast 106  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Leef 01
Marissa Dunn ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
27 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 27  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 31  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Leef 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Marine 01
Kelly Tracy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
88 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 88  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 96  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Marine 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Marine 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Marine 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 01
Terry Allen ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
75 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 75  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 84  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Moro 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 01
Beverly Hopper ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
110 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 110  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 119  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 01
Elaine Beckland ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
60 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 60  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 68  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 02
Sue Beatte ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
52 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 52  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 60  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 03
John "Eric" Foster ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
63 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 63  
Undervotes 18  
Total Ballots Cast 81  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 05
Justin Tyler Gibson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
55 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 55  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 66  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 06
Melody L. Moore ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
57 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 57  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 74  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 07
Robert T. Meyer ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
54 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 54  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 57  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 08
Christopher Hankins ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
71 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 71  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 80  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nameoki 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct New Douglas 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct New Douglas 01
Barbara J. Bassett ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
67 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 67  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 80  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Olive 01
Ryan Kilduff ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
103 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 103  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 128  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Olive 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Olive 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Olive 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Omphghent 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Omphghent 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Omphghent 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Omphghent 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 02
Peg Flach ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
188 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 188  
Undervotes 44  
Total Ballots Cast 232  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pin Oak 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 02
Steven D. Brendel ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
57 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 57  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 65  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 03
Philip W. Chapman ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
158 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 158  
Undervotes 44  
Total Ballots Cast 202  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Saline 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Jacob 01
Scott A. Rose ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
130 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 130  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 144  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Jacob 01
Jeffrey Souders ran (53%) against Christopher M. Geiler. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
61 52.6%
55 47.4%
Total Votes Cast 116  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 133  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Jacob 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Jacob 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 01
Tyrone Echols ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
123 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 123  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 135  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 03
Tim Walker ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
64 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 64  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 65  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 06
Andrew Economy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
141 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 141  
Undervotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 172  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 07
John W. Hamm, III ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
140 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 140  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 160  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Venice 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 01
Marty Reynolds ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
94 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 94  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 101  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 01
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 02
William "Bill" Robertson ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
13 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 13  
Undervotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 14  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 02
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 03
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 03
Molly Wolfe ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
34 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 34  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 36  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 04
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 05
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 06
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 06
Chris Slusser ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
69 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 69  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 73  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 07
Rick Wieckhorst ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
78 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 78  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 86  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 07
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 08
Denny Weber ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
129 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 129  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 141  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 08
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 09
Sue Greene ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
68 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 68  
Undervotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 76  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 09
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 10
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 11
Brendan Weishaupt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
87 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 87  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 11
Charles Hanfelder ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
48 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 48  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 54  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 12
Cheryl Goessman Maguire ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
95 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 95  
Undervotes 26  
Total Ballots Cast 121  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 12
Robert Dale Noble ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
63 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 63  
Undervotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 67  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 13
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 13
Patrick T. McRae ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
66 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 66  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 69  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 14
B. Dean Webb ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
99 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 99  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 110  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 14
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 15
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 16
Greg Heavner ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
111 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 111  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 128  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 16
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 17
Judd A. Govero ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
52 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 52  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 55  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 17
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 18
Phillip J. Little ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
55 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 55  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 61  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 18
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 19
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 19
Christopher Herzog ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
77 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 77  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 82  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 20
John Gebelein ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
59 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 59  
Undervotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast 65  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 20
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 21
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 22
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 23
Lee A. Tweedy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
85 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 85  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 23
Chrissy Dutton ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
46 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 46  
Undervotes 13  
Total Ballots Cast 59  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 24
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 24
Thomas A. Ambrose ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
41 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 41  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 25
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 26
Lucas R. Lenhardt ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
122 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 122  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 147  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 26
Tom McRae ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
75 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 75  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 80  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 27
Charles Whitlock ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 21  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 23  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wood River 27
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election Sanitary District Trustee Sanitary District Holiday Shores
Jeff Sedlacek and Brennan Murphy ran for 2 seats. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,525 57.9%
1,109 42.1%
Total Votes Cast 2,634  
Undervotes 1,584  
Total Ballots Cast 4,218  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Sanitary District Trustee Sanitary District Rosewood Heights
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2020Nov 3 General Election State's Attorney Madison County
Tom Haine won (55%) against Crystal Uhe. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73,099 54.9%
59,970 45.1%
Total Votes Cast 133,069  
Undervotes 5,030  
Overvotes 33  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary State's Attorney Madison County
Crystal Uhe won (55%) against Susan Jensen. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,746 54.9%
10,493 45.2%
Total Votes Cast 23,239  
Undervotes 2,867  
Overvotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary State's Attorney Madison County
Tom Haine won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
12,689 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 12,689  
Undervotes 1,952  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Nov 3 General Election Supreme Court Judge Judicial District 5
David K. Overstreet ran (55%) against Judy Cates. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
73,623 55.0%
60,193 45.0%
Total Votes Cast 133,816  
Undervotes 4,291  
Overvotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 138,132  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Democratic Primary Supreme Court Judge Judicial District 5
Judy Cates ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
21,993 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 21,993  
Undervotes 4,121  
Total Ballots Cast 26,114  
See Details for this Contest »
2020Mar 17 Republican Primary Supreme Court Judge Judicial District 5
David K. Overstreet ran (55%) against John B. Barberis, Jr.. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
7,262 54.7%
6,005 45.3%
Total Votes Cast 13,267  
Undervotes 1,370  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast 14,641  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election City Mayor City Collinsville
John Miller won (62%) against Nancy Moss. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,225 62.3%
740 37.7%
Total Votes Cast 1,965  
Undervotes 25  
Total Ballots Cast 1,990  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 1 Alderperson District
Christopher Farrar ran (63%) against Robert M. Turner. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
233 63.3%
135 36.7%
Total Votes Cast 368  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 385  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 3 Alderperson District
Janet R. Stack ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
252 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 252  
Undervotes 45  
Total Ballots Cast 297  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 5 Alderperson District
William Krause ran (74%) against Brent Daniels. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
305 74.2%
106 25.8%
Total Votes Cast 411  
Undervotes 9  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 421  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Edwardsville Ward 7 Alderperson District
Art Risavy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
296 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 296  
Undervotes 57  
Total Ballots Cast 353  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 1 Alderperson District
Bob Pickerell ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
126 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 126  
Undervotes 31  
Total Ballots Cast 157  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 2 Alderperson District
Mary E. Davis ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
175 73.8%
62 26.2%
Total Votes Cast 237  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 248  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 3 Alderperson District
Tim Elliott ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
409 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 409  
Undervotes 93  
Total Ballots Cast 502  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 4 Alderperson District
Brad Eavenson ran (48%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
342 48.0%
230 32.3%
140 19.7%
Total Votes Cast 712  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 723  
See Details for this Contest »
2019Apr 2 Consolidated Election Alderperson Granite City Ward 5 Alderperson District
Gregory Allen Koberna ran (61%) against Donald Thompson. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
443 60.6%
288 39.4%
Total Votes Cast 731  
Undervotes 32  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 764  
See Details for this Contest »